
About this book

Prose for Programmers is a book for programmers. It is a guide to mastering the most difficult programming language of all: human language.

Just as with programming, we write with particular goals in mind. That goal might be as simple as reminding someone about a requirement or as complex as justifying an entirely new architecture for a product. But in every case we write in order to achieve something.

This book will teach you how to achieve those goals more effectively with clearer, more persuasive writing.

It is a work in progress

The first three chapters are content complete.

And there are four chapters to come.

  • Writing Structures
  • Audience
  • Genres
  • Other Resources

It is editable on GitHub

The manuscript of Prose for Programmers, as well as the code for the website is hosted on GitHub. Each chapter has a convenient edit link at the top of the page. If you see any mistakes, typos, or other issues, feel free to edit and open a pull request.

It is available in eBook form for your Kindle or other e-reader

You can get the EPUB/MOBI/PDF version of Prose for Programmers via Leanpub.

Prose for Programmers by Joshua Clanton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.